A report from the CEO of your non-for-profit is a critical component of an Annual Report. Whether yo ucall it a CEO Review or Report, it plays a pivotal role in helping tell the story of the organisation, and the annual report itself. The following is an excerpt from a free e-book I have put together, to help guide you on what to include in your charity or not-for-profit annual report.
“Whether the title is CEO or General Manager or Managing Director, whoever is in charge of the day to day running of the organisation at a strategic level needs to be writing a report. This is the next level down of report from the Chair / President. This is where you delve a little bit further into the high-level achievements of the organisation and talk more about the direction. The CEO should be drilling down further into significant events.
One of the important topics to cover in this report is about relationships with other organisations. Collaboration is a buzz word, and it is what governments and funders want to read more about. It means organisations are working less in silos.
Remember also to cover off sustainability measures, so anyone involved with the organisation (be they a funder, staff member, supporter or user of your services) can understand how the organisation intends to ensure its long-term viability. The more that extends to a point where you are not reliant on government funding, the better.
If you have had any media coverage during the year, it is worth noting the major ones in the report itself. If you have managed a few (and media these days can extend to social media), it is worth putting together a table which summarises the positives versus the negative coverage and its reach.
Don’t forget to also thank the staff and the Board. Include this report after the Board Chair.”
Make sure your not-for-profit CEO Report covers:
- High-level achievements
- Direction of the organisation
- Significant events
- Collaboration and partnerships
- Sustainability
- Media coverage
- Thank funders, staff and board
The Annual Report story
Every annual report needs a theme to connect the story of the year, and align it with the strategic direction of the organisation. The 20 Tips for a successful annual report e-book has more information.
The ACNC may have introduced its tick-of-approval system, for acknowledging the financials, but this is not enough. Remember, as I have written about previously, a well-written CEO Report (just because you are the CEO does not mean you are a brilliant writer – so don’t be afraid to ask or hire help) will be the key to giving your charity or not-for-profit the real tick of approval if needs from its stakeholders.
Make sure your NGO (non government organisation), (NFP) not-for-profit, non-profit, charity Annual Report contains all the vital information it needs to an asset, which helps build your brand and grow your audience. The not-for-profit CEO Review is just one tip. Download the e-book for all the information you need to get started.