We all get so busy in our jobs these days, that we often make assumptions about the basics. We are sure we fixed them a long time ago and have not thought about them since. If you are a dreamer/a big picture person, the chances are when it comes to marketing you want the end results but you just can’t or don’t focus on the journey to get you there?
The little things are often what brings most brands undone. You spend so much time in the clouds you lose site of what is going on below. Your marketing becomes unstable if someone is not taking care and ensuring the small ticket items are doing their job.
From the video
At the start of the new year, people like like to focus on some big-picture items – you know the things that you think are going to be those creative differences that are really going to take you to the next level. And that’s fine and fantastic to be able to do, but you need to spend a lot of time also focusing on the miniature.
Focus on those little bits and pieces that can make ALL of the difference.
So this week, set aside some quality time to make sure your dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. Look at those basics of marketing. Look at all those simple messages that you’re sending out all the time. Adjust little things like your email signature, like the messsages that you might have that are currently going out, that people are cutting and pasting. Are they still relevant? Are they still correct? Should they be updated?
Look at all those little things because those little things will make big things T I’ll be back next week with another marketing tip.
What are the little things?
Start with your internal marketing by making sure all your staff are on the same page when it comes to you vision, mission and values. The key messages staff can access should be word for word the same if they are being sent out anywhere. You should have correct policies and procedures in place for how you deal with certain situation. Even more critical is how you deal with a crisis of any sort.
Then start thinking about the basic marketing materials from email signatures to brochures being kept up to date. When was the last time you looked over the content of your website?
The last thing you need is to execute a major marketing initiative and come unstuck purely because you couldn’t be bothered to focus on those details which lay the foundation for success.
Need help assessing your marketing foundations? Want someone to help you generate some ideas to move your marketing forward? Book a free consultation today. We will help your brand, starting with a ROAR!