Do you consider yourself to be a generous person? What about your business – is it just as generous? When you give, do you do it out of an emotional need to share what you have, or do you do it hoping, or possibly even expecting something in return?
We are all capable of giving, not always financially, but in the very least of our time and expertise.
Spend some time this week consider how you give and whether you and your business gives enough, because there are not shortage of people and causes in need. I’d love you to promote how you give by leaving me a comment…but first watch the video and consider the different subset of those you should give to.
From the video
Do you consider yourself to be a generous person? What about your business – is it just as generous? When you give, do you do it out of an emotional need to share what you have, or do you do it hoping, or possibly even expecting something in return?
We are all capable of giving, not always financially, but in the very least of our time and expertise.
Spend some time this week consider how you give and whether you and your business gives enough, because there are not shortage of people and causes in need. I’d love you to promote how you give by leaving me a comment…but first watch the video and consider the different subset of those you should give to.
If you are working with a charity, make sure when you are giving of your time or of any service or product that you have. then do so in the same way with the same respect that you would do any other paying client.
Far too often, we give often to charities from the business point of view, wanting something back.
In reality, what you are getting back is the magnificent idea of giving. It’s something that we totally under value in business and far too much and it extends way beyond charity as well. Give to the public. Give of your expertise and people will give back to you in spades. They will come looking for you because they know you, they trust you, and they understand that you are someone who is generous and prepared to help other people, not just in it for themselves.
It’s a fundamental lesson of marketing and one that is very hard for some people to learn and appreciate.
So next time you’re looking at associating with the charity do so for the right reasons, put them number one priority.
Working with worthy causes
I work with a lot of charities, or worthy causes as a prefer to call them, and each one is given the priority I would do any business client. It does not matter whether they are also a paying client (I offer reduced rates to them) or my chosen organisation where I give freely of time an expertise. For the majority of businesses I see giving to charities, they tend to do so on their terms.
They volunteer on a day which suits them, on a task which is going to make them feel good, regardless of whether it is the main priority for the organisation they are assisting.
Often too when they give their expertise ‘probono’ they are placed at the bottom of the list and rarely is the service as thorough as those who pay.
The attitude you adopt to giving does have an impact on your own brand. Generosity of spirit is as important as any financial benefit.
Give to everyone
Giving is not just for those in need of charity – giving is so people can connect with you and your brand. I don’t produce these videos asking or expecting anything in return, I give these tips to you because I enjoy sharing my knowledge.
I genuinely hope each week the advice I give can be implemented and help make a small difference to the success of your brand, by enhancing your marketing.