Look into who you’re missing
Increasing awareness of your charity or not-for-profit, must include the important step of looking into who you’re missing. Too often people make generalised assumptions about this key group and don’t take the time to consider who they are and why they might be interested. To take a long term strategic view, you need to take the time consider everyone in your community. It is part of a 12 step process.

Initially you need to look at your stakeholders and then start to divide them up. The easy part is looking at who you know, it is tougher but critical to identify groups you don’t interact with at any level, but want to reach. Make sure you start to break down any groups you identify.
Whether you are a charity or more broadly a not-for-profit, or even in business for that matter, there are always untapped markets you want to reach. For example. you might currently be limited by geography, but want to break into new areas. The context in which you talk to people in this new area will be different, because they may not have heard of you, there may be local references you need to adjust, it could be a different cultural mix in the area etc. You have to look closely at these groups (because you may have several) and understand what makes them unique.
Keep the end goal in mind

Looking at who you are missing is only step three in the process in the first phase to increasing awareness of your charity or not-for-profit. Following all of the other steps is critical to your success.
The end goal is not just awareness, it is generating funding for your worthy cause. A strong brand, with strong awareness, is something worthy of funding consideration. It’s an ongoing process, and these steps will need to be repeated regularly. Miss them and your organisations survival could be at risk.
Take advantage of the free e-book we are offering, for you to make a real positive difference to the future of your cause.